Catalogul cameramanilor

Claudiu Boghina (Refresh Art)

Cameraman: Andrei Lozneanu
Înscris în catalog de 8 ani și 11 luni
Se deplasează din Sibiu
Oferim separat și serviciul de fotografie
 0741 132 *** vezi telefonul
Premii portofoliu
6 premii
Apreciere clienți
Adaugă testimonial
  5.00 (2 recenzii)
14 evenimente verificate
Nominalizat la concursul anual 2023
Selectia editorilor pe 13.09.2022 Nominalizat la concursul anual 2022

Testimoniale de la clienți

Toate testimonialele sunt verificate și aprobate manual de editorii catalogului, pentru a ne asigura că sunt date în urma unor colaborări care au existat.

Despre Claudiu Boghina (Refresh Art)

We are from Sibiu, Roumania and we love people, weddings and capturing the moments created at them. Both sentimental romantics at heart, we value this journey of marriage and the creativity, individualism and passion that goes into making your wedding day special. Formal or informal, relaxed, fun, spontaneous, exciting, personal, church or civil, your wedding is as individual as you are and you deserve pictures and films that shine with your spirit and personality as well as the unique atmosphere of your day.We will spend the whole day with you, photographing and filming all the myriad moments that you want to remember. We will be with you (if you'd like us to be) as you prepare at home, en-route to the ceremony, during the exchange of vows and on to the reception where we will capture the behaviour (and misbehaviour) of your friends and family well into the night.



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