Catalogul fotografilor

Testimoniale de la clienți
Toate testimonialele sunt verificate și aprobate manual de editorii catalogului, pentru a ne asigura că sunt date în urma unor colaborări care au existat.
Despre Alexandru Grigore
[RO] Noi suntem Milena & Alexandru si impreuna formam Frame My Life. Suntem o echipa atat in viata profesionala cat si in cea personala. Iubim fotografia, culorile, emotiile si ne iubim unul pe celalalt. Ne apreciem, ne ajutam si lucrand impreuna scoatem ce este mai bun unul din celalalt.
[EN] We are Milena and Alexandru Grigore and together we created Frame My Life. We are a team both in our professional life and in our personal one. We love photography, colors, emotions and we love each other. We appreciate each others work we help each other and working together we highlight the best in each other
[EN] We are Milena and Alexandru Grigore and together we created Frame My Life. We are a team both in our professional life and in our personal one. We love photography, colors, emotions and we love each other. We appreciate each others work we help each other and working together we highlight the best in each other
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